28 April 2005

Dreaming, storytelling

Storytelling may be an art and requires a skilled craftsman to tell a good story, but what about the stories that we tell ourselves in our dreams? Every dream we dream is a story our mind tells us, even enacts for us in vivid living colour. Some are so real that we remember them days on end, or wake up gasping in fright.

I thought I was the only one who was troubled by this idea - about dreams being stories that we tell ourselves - till I read an article by Chuck Palahniuk called "A Church of Stories" on nerve.com. Chuck Palahniuk is the author of many books, of which "Fight Club" became the most famous, particularly after the release of the film by the same name. I can't reproduce the story for you here, but I can guide you to Mr Palahniuk's website. He seems to have quite a cult following.

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