03 May 2005

My blog is about...

I couldn’t do it!!! Simple though it may seem, I just couldn’t complete the sentence, “My blog is about…”

Why not? Don’t know. Perhaps I have a problem with self-expression. Maybe I’m simply bad at communication. Or maybe, I haven’t figured out yet what my blog is going to be about. Could it be that I started intuitively?

Looking back at my posts (sadly, at the moment, too few to make any statistical representation), I realize that some of them were intentional, and some, I didn’t quite know what it would turn out to be until it was posted. And then, a sigh of relief.

But I know this, there’s a lot I wish to say – a whole stockpile of experiences, emotions, imagery and points of view just waiting to be posted. And, over time, these will provide clues to what my blog is about.

The rest is up to you.


  1. Anonymous1:08 pm


    Saw your blogsite. Well its great you are hooked on to this. I guess I will need to follow you there as I too have heard a lot about blogging but have not really got into it.


    Reena Mansukhani

  2. you're doing swell, must say!
