20 August 2005

Nobody likes change very much

It’s human nature to avoid change of any kind. What if the new thing didn’t turn out the way we expected it? What if the new situation was worse than the one we’re in now? What if everything went drastically wrong?

What about all the money it’s going cost us? And, we aren’t even sure of the outcome!

Change means risk. Change means facing – and dealing with – things unknown. Change means hard work. It’s human nature to look for an easy way out. After all, that’s what makes us efficient, right?

Look at the way we’ve been progressing as a nation. India has always been good at living off the land. There’s agriculture. There’s mining of natural resources (coal, copper, iron ore, granite, gemstones… to name a few). And, there’s ‘body shopping’ in the IT industry. There’s even our history and our heritage, our wildlife and our spirituality – doing wonderful things for the tourism industry. If it’s easily available, and low cost, India knows how to make the most of it.

But, isn’t this a drain on the country?

So what if it is! There’s plenty to go around. And, didn’t we just say we’re being efficient!!

But, what about innovation? What about creativity? What about the power of the Indian mind which we were so proud of? What happened to that country that gave the world its ‘zero’ and changed everything for everyone, forever?

Nobody likes change very much. Change means risk. Change means facing – and dealing with – things unknown. Change means hard work. It’s more comfortable to let things be as they are.

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