06 February 2006

Nature and the Hindu philosophy

“When the Lord desired to create life, He created the Sun, Moon, and Earth, and through them a congenial atmosphere for life to come into being. Therefore the Sun, Moon, Earth, Stars and all objects in the universe jointly, not individually, create the atmosphere for the creation, sustenance, or destruction of everything in the universe.”
[from Swami Vibudhesha Teertha, Sustaining The Balance]

Much of India’s history and culture can be traced back to the Vedas. It is from the Vedas that Hinduism as a religion originated and formed the basis of everything that a Hindu does today. And, it is from the Vedas that every Hindu forms his or her holistic view of the Universe.

Hence, it is natural for a Hindu to be close to nature. Because, Hinduism as a religion is close to nature. Hindus worship the Sun, the Moon, the rivers, mountains, forests, animals... everything that is an integral part of nature. The relationship between man and nature is at the very centre of Hinduism. Hindus can actually perceive God in every object in the Universe.

“That which sustains all species of life and helps to maintain harmonious relationship among them is dharma. That which disturbs such ecology is adharma.”

The Vedas have taught us this for thousands of years.

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