13 March 2007

A new love affair

For most of us, the relationship between man and machine is not yet a direct wiring in syndrome. Although some of us go to sleep with our mobilephones and our iPods next to our pillows, we do keep a distance from most other electronic devices such as TV sets, computers and microwave ovens. But, you can’t deny the fact that slowly we are becoming willing functionaries of these machines (if they may be called by that old-fashioned term). In fact, for some of us, it’s a new love affair.

I’m not sure if we can describe the man-machine relationship as a ‘physical’ one, but there is a relationship which tends to draw in the man to the machine. When I observe the excitement – and glee – with which I use my computer to do my work, check my emails, surf the Internet, blog, network on orkut, etc., or use my mobilephone to remain connected locally, even internationally, I’m amazed at the dependence my life has on these machines. I confess, the time I spend with these machines is substantial.

It’s true I have no literal interface (i.e. physical wiring in) with these machines, but the dependence – both functional (work-related) and emotional – is tremendous. When these systems are ‘down’, I go crazy, fretting and fuming and cursing everyone likely to be responsible for the downtime. If the downtime persists, or as it is in love, if the machines fail to stick to their commitments, I go through phases of anger and anxiety and depression. How can my life go on without these machines!

Of course, life does go on… with or without machines. When I come to my senses, I chuckle over my anger and anxiety and depression. Surely, machines cannot rule my life. Losing touch with machines cannot be the end of my world.

[Just in case, I better upload this post on my blog before the broadband connection breaks down.]


  1. Well,(hats off,) you are so optimistic that you think can survive without machines..I cannot think of one such day.

    Computer, iPod, mobile...life is so empty without them.

    Let me (not) mention I am a computer Engineer. It's my bread. :)

  2. Hi Shefali, thanks for visiting my blog and your comments. You're right, today, life without machines is impossible.

    However, sometimes, I try to reduce my dependence on machines by switching off my mobilephone for a few days or staying away from my laptop or my home computer. Have virtually stopped watching TV. When I do that, I feel a sort of relief.

    But, I know it's temporary. And even then, I can't live without a refrigerator. So, I'm probably fooling myself.

  3. so totally true... just happened to come accross ur blogspace...

    i actually relate with dat line where u say "When these systems are ‘down’, I go crazy, fretting and fuming and cursing everyone likely to be responsible for the downtime." ...
    my mum once actually thot dat i need therapy when my comp was switched off for one whole day because of a power cut!

  4. I gave up on the idiot box so that I can spent more time with 'other machines'.

    Mom says I need no food, given a computer(with an internet, of course)

  5. @ Shefali, poisondoux

    Posted something new today which might explain why we have this fascination for, or addiction to, technology.
